Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Personalization

Do you remember hit counters? As a young internet user in the early 2000s I recall being fascinated by the idea of being visitor number 11,386 to some random website, probably full of video game cheat codes or sports card price lists. These counters were a staple of early Internet UX and represented an automated means of measuring website performance. 

Since those days, there has been exponential growth in the amount of data generated and collected through web analytics. This growth has supplied artificial intelligence with the data it needs to revolutionize the marketing landscape. Combing through vast amounts of trend and behavioral data has allowed AI to predict consumer behavior and power hyper-personalized campaigns. Businesses that integrate AI’s capabilities into their marketing strategies stand to gain a competitive edge over enterprises that are sluggish to do so.

The Power of Personalization

It’s been well-established that personalization enhances customer experience and increases engagement and conversion rates. Effective personalization doesn’t mean your business plasters someone’s personal information all over your website. After all, having a website greet you by first and last name is creepy and, in the event it’s slightly off, cringy too. Instead, personalization reflects an appreciation for individual preferences and behavioral signals in shaping relevant content delivery. 

How AI Drives Personalization

There are several key steps AI follows to enable personalization in marketing. These stages are often shaped by the available data and technological capabilities of the tools involved:

Step 1: Data Analysis and Segmentation

AI processes large datasets to identify patterns and segment audiences based on behavior, preferences, and demographics. In instances where historical data is not available for a given business, AI-enabled marketing technologies will often use anonymized proxy data taken from other businesses until a statistical significant quantity of data has been produced for the business in question. Once this data exists, technologies begin allowing marketing users to effectively tailor their messaging to specific groups.  

Step 2: Predictive Analytics

With statically significant data in place, AI-based algorithms can predict future customer behaviors. When coupled with generative AI, this predictive data helps shape timely and relevant messaging that drives consumer progression through buying journeys.

Step 3: Dynamic Content Creation

Using the insights produced with predictive analytics, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney and more can be leveraged to produce personalized content including product recommendations, email notifications and other messaging. This content is often far more compelling that what a human writer/content creator can produce in a similar timeframe. Furthermore, the content’s consumption data is looped back to AI tools for future refinement.

Step 4: Real-Time Personalization

As content is dynamically generated at a nearly unfathomable scale, user interactions on websites and apps drive real-time personalization. AI-enabled tools process these interactions and dynamically adjust on-page experiences to suit individual consumer needs instantly. This typically leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Implementing AI in Marketing Campaigns

The implementation of AI into marketing efforts has been made exceptionally easy by leading marketing technologies. From website content management systems to digital ad management platforms, nearly every widely-adopted tool features some application of AI. 

These tools, nor the AI embedded with them implicitly understands the needs and preferences of your customers or the nuances of your product/service portfolio. Thus clearly defining your customer journey(s) and the role personalization should play within that is imperative. For example, AI can be used in a number of different areas including:

Personalized Email Marketing

AI can analyze email engagement metrics to personalize email content, subject lines, and send times for each recipient, boosting open and click-through rates.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-driven chatbots can provide personalized customer support and help recommendations, enhancing user experience and driving sales.

Programmatic Advertising

AI supports programmatic advertising through the automation of bidding and ad placements. Real-time data is used to optimize ad spend and rotation.

Future Trends of AI in Marketing

No one knows for sure how the application of AI in marketing will evolve as much remains the imagination of entrepreneurs, technologists and computer scientists. However, it will continue to produce deep insights into customer behavior and preferences often anticipating needs long before consumers become acutely aware of them. AI will also facilitate richer buying experiences with constantly improving tools like voice and visual search, augmented reality and more. 

As AI-powered personalization is transforms the marketing function as we know it, businesses must make investments into the tools that harness it. By leveraging AI, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately drive growth. Investment today will lead to competitive advantage tomorrow.


By Steve Hill

Steve Hill is the Managing Director of Riviea. He brings over 13 years of marketing experience across a number of industries including life sciences and technology.

July 15, 2024